"Time Is On My Side" - Emotions, Projects, Music & Quotes

Becoming disinterested in something isn’t exactly a new prospect for me – more often than not, a writing project that starts off so full of promise and excitement usually dies a slow and painful death. All these grand plans of podcasts, video podcasts and other blogs never reach past the planning stages, the effort going into them always being more than I can handle. However, two projects of mine have seen the light of the day in “45 Days” and “Descent Into Madness”, living proof that when I put my mind to it and the stars align, something good can come of it. For the last few weeks, it was no secret to those close to me that I had become nonchalant, complacent almost. Work was grinding me down, and in some ways it still is, but it was all becoming a bit too much. A corporate system that in mind neither rewards good performance nor punishes poor performance is one that I began having a hard time justifying working under. A structural system that didn’t benefit me, and with rece...