Brucie Bonus Blog - Brand New Alien Movie Announced!

Hey guys, quick blog entry on the exciting news of a brand new Alien movie that was announced this morning! As a huge fan of the franchise, and owner of the Alien Anthology and Prometheus , this news has me pretty damn excited. I've always been a huge fan of the Alien franchise, ever since I reached my teens and saw Aliens for the very first time. The space setting, the horror elements, the action elements, the pacing, the bleakness, the Xenomoph's, I loved all of it. I went out to watch Alien 3 which I think has its merits, and whilst a flawed film, it's still an enjoyable watch. Alien: Resurrection is... eh. VERY flawed, a few redeeming qualities but they are few and far between in my mind. I only sat down and watch the original Alien movie from 1979 a few years ago, constantly worried it would be too dated for my liking; instead, I was stunned by how well it held up for even today's standards, and I put it right alongside Aliens as my of my favourite films o...