What's Next? - 2015 Retrospective & Future Plans

It's been a pretty busy year. 2015 is coming to a close, as time is passing by at an alarming rate. It only feels like yesterday that I was sitting here at the end of 2014, preparing to release my short story 'This Is Not An Exit' for early 2015, and planning for the year ahead creatively. It's now the end of 2015, and I've succeeded in the goals I set for myself, for which I honestly couldn't be prouder. Not only did I manage to release 'This Is Not An Exit' and exercise some of those creative demons so to speak, but I finally managed to release 'When Justice Comes Calling' after over two and a half years of hard work. As I've detailed previously, I first began work on 'When Justice Comes Calling' in May 2013, and it was a far different animal than the finished product that you can read today. I became frustrated with myself and the direction the project was taking, and decided to switch gears and write a far shorte...