
Showing posts from June, 2014

"When This Love Like A Hole, Swallowed My Soul, Dragging Me Down... | Small Update

“It is alive!” It’s funny, I’ve kind of neglected writing on this blog for the last couple of weeks. I’ve just been so busy collecting my thoughts and continuing to plan my story that I almost forgot this thing even existed. I’ve suddenly felt the urge to start writing once more (I won’t go into the specific details as to why at this moment), so here I am! I mentioned in a previous blog post that my mood affects my writing and my output, but positively and negatively. What I didn’t really dive into was how my mood can swing fairly often. I don’t often discuss it, most aren’t even aware of it, but I can go from incredibly happy to feelings of loneliness and desperation at a moment’s notice – usually when I’m at home, cooped up indoors, with only my thoughts and emotions as company. What’s strange is that is how I like it a lot of the time. Don’t get me wrong, I love the company of friends, family, and doing all this awesome and fun things – night’s out, weekend trips aw...

“Let’s Put A Smile On That Face” - #100HappyDays (Interlude #1)

I told myself I was going to primarily focus on just my writing on this blog, but I figured with the decent number of views it’s pulling in that I’d stray ever so slightly – after all, this is a blog I write, about me, so it stands to reason that I can divert from time to time, right? Keeping on point re. the writing for the moment, I think that being in the right mind-frame can really impact my writing ability. I know that may seem like a foregone conclusion, and in a lot of ways it is, but as I was writing up yesterday’s blog entry, I couldn’t help but think back to previous projects. Where I’ve been mentally has impacted previous projects ten-fold, from their creation and themes, all the way to their completion or eventual demise. I’ve seen many a project start off because I wasn’t in a great place, and as soon as my attitude changed for the better, that project was but dead in the water. By the same token, I’ve seen potentially interesting and fun projects completely ruin...

"The Soundtrack To My Life" - Musical Inspiration (Part I)

I’ve often thought that I would be better suited to writing a screenplay for a television show or film, but I’ve never really been able to make that transition. Reason why I say that I’d be better suited to that line of work is that I’m a very visual guy – since as long as I can remember, my writing has always been influenced by how well I’m able to imagine it playing out in my head, not unlike a movie/TV show. If I can’t picture the events that I’m putting down on paper in that context, then chances are it’ll get deleted soon enough. Of course, there are limitations to this, as a short-story/novel plays out an awful lot different than something on screen, a fact I try to keep in mind whenever inspiration strikes. Music plays a huge role in my writing. Some people seclude themselves in an office, some people read to get themselves in the mind-set to write, but I listen to music. Not just for preparation either, music helps me a great deal whilst writing my stories also. The...

"Unsettling Differences" - Planning (Part II)

It’s been one heck of a fantastic week for yours truly, both on the writing front and personally also. Found out at the beginning of the week that my contract for work has now been made permanent after four years, so obviously I’m absolutely over the moon with that! It’s also meant that I’ve been as positive as anything, and that’s impacted greatly on the progress of this upcoming story. What’s new then? Well, the themes and genre are all set, as well as the base characteristics for all of the characters in the story. The roles of protagonist and antagonist have finally been established, and the core of the story has been developed, including the narrative style with the journal/diary entries and social media updates, as well as the email conversations. The three-act structure is firmly in place with a pretty solid blue-print written up. All that’s left now is the small details before I can begin work on my first draft. One of the small details is the names of the cha...

"Unsettling Differences" - Planning (Part I)

I'm well into my planning stages for my next potential story, with character development and the story arc coming along at a slow but steady pace. I've taken the time to really map everything out, and whilst this next effort is likely to be a short story as previously discussed, there may be some leg room for more. That being said, it's all swings and roundabouts at the moment. Oh, and for the record, "Unsettling Differences" isn't the name of the story - the name of the story is the last thing I usually wind up deciding. "Unsettling Differences" is actually the name of a song that I had on in the background whilst writing this blog entry by a cool but very unknown band called Blue Smock Nancy . It's tone and lyrics are helping me set the tone for what this story is going to be about, at least from one character's perspective. As I'll no doubt discuss in an entry down the line, music plays a huge role in my influence and inspiration...

When Justice Comes Calling Update / What's Next?

Hey there. I'm abstaining from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, basically any form of social media for the foreseeable future (primarily because they are all horrible distractions to yours truly) to focus on other things, but I figured I'd leave this update for anybody interested in my writing and how it's going.  It's currently 6 o'clock on Saturday 7th June 2014 and I'm feeling pretty unwell. That being said, I've planned to set up a Blogger account for the longest time to really compile any thoughts, ideas and my personal feelings towards my writing. I decided that I may as well take five minutes out of my time to set this up and in the process, give a brief update on how my writing is going. I actually began work on "When Justice Comes Calling"  around a year ago in June 2013, but after reaching a certain point in the story I decided to put it to one side and instead focus on a couple of short stories in the meantime. The effo...