First Impressions | Playstation 4, EA Sports UFC & The Evil Within

I’ve finally done it – I’ve made the leap to the next generation of video-games! This past Friday, my Playstation 4 arrived and… it’s different. In both good ways and bad if I’m being totally honest, but we’ll come to that. It’s taken some time to adjust from the layout of the Playstation 3 (I still own mine and it sits on the other side of the television, connected and everything), but all in all, I reckon I’ve made a wise investment. I managed to snag The Evil Within and EA Sports UFC games too, so I’ll be going into some detail on my impressions of these games, and future titles I’m looking forward to. Let’s do this! The Console Right off the bat, I have to mention that there is far more integration with social media with the PS4, which is a pretty cool aspect for yours truly. Being so active on Facebook and Twitter, being able to share gameplay videos is awesome - the PS4 records the last 15 minutes of your playthroughs automatically and stores them on the hard driv...