Justice Is Calling...
Hello there!
First things first... Live-Action trailer sounds so snazzy and professional, doesn't it?! =P
The video above took a fair few hours and hard work to put together, and I really hope that it shows in the finished product. Please feel free to share it, like it, let others know about it, and most importantly, let meknow what you think - feedback is pivotal to me. I hope I got the atmosphere and tone right, and that it's got you thinking about what the story has in store!
As for When Justice Comes Calling itself, the project is back with a vengeance, and on course to be released in the latter part of the year (my aim is for a August/September release, but I put 'LATE 2015' in the trailer just in case the date gets pushed back). I've reworked the story from the ground up, streamlining it and developing it, and I think it's safe to say that the final draft is looking more and more polished as each day passes.
I have to bear in mind that I started the project over two years ago, and as such, I've learnt a hell of a lot in that time. Not only that, but my own personal outlook and tastes to fiction have changed, and the first draft suffered as a result. With me taking breaks in-between working on When Justice Comes Calling, it became disjointed and unfocused as time went on, the pacing especially being a hot mess. With the final draft, I've worked hard to get the core elements right; research, story, theme, characters and pacing. Whether it's a success or not depends on the reader, but personally, I'm incredibly proud with how far this project has come, with the end finally in sight.
On a related note, this is the first blog post to be associated with SaveUsWP.com, my brand new website. The old website hosting the blog, SaveUsWP.blogspot.com is still very much in place, but with the layout and everything, I was restricted in how I could present my work to anybody interested. With this new website, I have complete control over the design, the content, I can have sections, forums, shopping basket (should I ever want to change who I publish through), and a whole host of other things - not to mention I can link it with my Blogspot site seamlessly.
I'm looking to expand the website in the coming months, add more content and see if I can find other passions and interests to explore. With When Justice Comes Calling due out (hopefully!) but September at the latest, I'll then be free to start on another project - to be decided.
I just have to take a moment to thank the artist that I've had the pleasure of working with for the last year and a half, Brian Barredo. He's drawn up some fantastic pieces for me, including the front cover for This Is Not An Exit, headers for the website and the blog section, and most recently, the revised artwork for When Justice Comes Calling. I'm looking to work with him the future also, he's been instrumental in giving my work a sleek and professional look, which I'm so grateful for. You can find Brian the same way I did on DeviantArt, at the following link: http://brianb3x.deviantart.com/.
For now, keep your eyes peeled. As always, thank you for reading, and your continued support. I'm immensely proud of how far I've come, and I'm excited for the future. Onwards and upwards!
- Will

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