This Is My Story - Opening Up
"I bounce around and laugh and sing and dance and joke and cheer everyone up because what else am I for? And I know I really am good at stuff, lots of stuff, and I know I have a family that loves me, and I really am happy most of the time, I AM, and I want other people to be happy too... but not always. And the rest of the time... I don't let people see." I've been doing a lot of thinking, perhaps a little bit too much recently as I often do, but I thought I'd kind've open myself up with this blog entry - I'm hoping it'll be cathartic for me to get this written down. It may come across as a jumbled up mess, but hey, with what I'm trying to tackle I think I'm entitled to a free pass on this one. I can never remember having kind of worrying thoughts or feelings as a kid - I loved school, had great mates and family, the works. I was doing a lot of inward thinking this weekend just gone, thinking about life and me as a person, and it...