A Tale Of Two Hearts - Short Story
With Valentines Day just gone, I wanted to share a piece I wrote back in August 2015. Inspired by the Upstate Sessions version of ‘Gorgeous’ by the super talented X Ambassadors (which I’d STRONGLY suggest listening to here: https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=Hr9TaQw-L-M), this short is one I’m particularly proud of. Enjoy! – Will
The stars are shining bright tonight.
I finish up my drink and head back indoors to join the others; a night-out on the town, and a well-needed one at that. We’re two-thirds into the year, and yet everything is still the same. Still in the same job, still living at home, and still single. Such is life.
As I head back into the club, the booming music comes to a stop, finally. That techno/trance rubbish is what caused me to retreat outside in the first place. The DJ gleefully announces that he’s about to slow it down for a moment, and for any drunken patrons to get onto the dance-floor. I guess that includes me, though I can’t dance to save my life. I opt to return to my friends.
The opening chords start playing, and I instantly recognise it as X Ambassadors, even in my drunken haze. The rest of my friends besides one or two flat out refuse to dance same as me, so I know I'm in good company tonight.
Then our eyes meet; Renee. A longtime friend, someone I can confide in. I’ve known her for years, she’s been there for me through a lot of ups and downs, and vice versa. Beautiful, stunning, smart, why she hangs around with a group like us lads I’ll never know. A mischievous smile spreads across her face as she stands up from her chair, finishing the last of her Rose' in one gulp. She loves to watch me squirm.
"Dancefloor now, Dean."
I try to protest, but it's little use - her mind is made up. She's going to embarress me, and that's all there is to it. I'm used to being the butt of everyone's jabs and jokes, what's one more right? I could be in worse company out there in the shark-infested waters of a London dancefloor. Renee grabs my hand, and off we go.
\ I might be better off without you /
We reach our destination just as the song gets started, and at first I'm at a complete loose end. No rhyme, no rhythm, and at first, Renee is content to just sway side-to-side without me, seeing how I handle the situation.
\ There's too many people all around you /
The answer is not well, as I too sway from side-to-side, though with as much grace as an elephant. That smile appears of Renee's face again, and this time, I can't help but smile also. She's loving every second of this, my face getting redder by the moment. It feels like the entire club is watching my woeful attempt at dancing.
\ All these vultures that surround you /
I go to leave, but she suddenly grabs my hand, shaking her head, and something comes over me. Probably nothing - considering the amount of booze I've drunk, the fact I'm even upright is a miracle.
\ They don't know a thing about you /
"You're hopeless!" she laughs, and I let out a chuckle of my own.
"Tell me something I don't know!" I retort, before shouting out as loud as I can -
\ You're so gorgeous /
I may not be able to dance but I at least know the words. Renee knows the song too, and pipes up herself -
\ 'Cause you make me feel gorgeous /
I start to find my feet, and with Renee holding my hand, I feel a little more comfortable. The closed space on the packed dancefloor seems a little less scary with her here. The bright lights are still blinding, and the bass is way too heavy for my liking, but this is bearable... dare I say it, nice.
Oh, so gorgeous
We sing together this time, as loud as we can, straining our voiceboxes -
\ 'Cause you make me feel gorgeous /
The second verse starts up, and Renee gives a twirl, getting into the song big time now. I continue to sway, but there's a confidence of some kind there, something I can't attribute to anyone but her. She always manages to bring out the best in me.
\ Nobody understands you /
She twirls again, only this time she's overconfident and almost falls to floor - booze aside, I act fast and catch her. Unfazed, Renee bursts out laughing and I do the same. She buries her head in my shoulder to spare some of the embarrassment.
\ You ain't nothing they can handle /
The fact she's so hammered is probably attributed to rough year she's had. Renee lost her job, and her boyfriend in the space of a couple of months, so it's little wonder she wants to let her hair down. There was a sense of pride that out of our group of mates, she called me first, citing that she knew I'd be there.
\ Every man you put your hands on /
That's what friends are for, right?
\ You make him so god damn handsome /
Renee eventually composes herself, and I go to let go of her so she can continue impressing any single lads on the dancefloor, but she refuses to let go of me. I wonder if maybe she's passed out or still embarrassed, but then I feel one of her hands stroking my shoulder. Barely at first, just her thumb moving back and forth, hardly anything at all.
\ Feel, ooh, so pretty whenever you're around /
But then she shifts her body in closer to mine, and we begin to move as one. In time with the slow beat of the song, but I can feel my body stiffen up. I suck at dancing solo as it is, but with somebody else? Hopeless doesn't even begin to cover it.
\ Ooh, so pretty /
"Just go with it." I hear her purr, letting out a loud sigh. I know the feeling - considering how our lives are seemingly turning out, sometimes ya just gotta' say fuck it. So, I go with it, and we stand in the middle of the dancefloor, in an embrace, both of us taking comfort in the other.
\ Feel ten feet off the ground /
Time seems to stand still, and for the first time, I don't notice a single soul except Renee. She brushes her hair to side and looks up at me, that smile still there. She's still the same friend I've had for the years, that same person who I'd do anything for at a moment's notice but... it's different.
\ You're so gorgeous /
It's like laying eyes on someone for the first time, that whole rush of adrenaline. Looking down at Renee is like seeing her in a whole new light. She was always beautiful, but has she always been this stunning? Was that smile always so infectious?
\ 'Cause you make me feel gorgeous /
I look into her eyes - a window to her soul. What is she thinking?
\ Oh, so gorgeous /
\ 'Cause you make me feel gorgeous /
A hundred thoughts run through my head. Is this another joke?
\ We are young, we are free /
Renee puts an arm around my neck, slowly... seductively? No, surely not?
\ Like renegades, like James Dean /
She pulls me in closer, and I feel my heart almost skip a beat. There is red tape and boundaries for a reason, especially with friendships. A certain point of no return, where you forget everything that happened before. It's risky, I mean Renee is a friend, right? Or has she always been more to me?
\ Beat the drum, sing off-key /
A friend of mine once said that "guys and girls can't be just friends" which I said was complete bullshit, but he argued that beneath every great male-female friendship, no matter how long they've known each other, there is the slightest hint of an attraction... was he right?
\ You set me free, you set me free /
Is this just the alcohol taking? Am I imagining Renee being all over me right now? I take a quick glance to the sidelines where our friends still sit, and I know that this isn't one of their schemes - most can hardly believe their eyes, jaws wide-open, waiting to see where this leads.
\ 'Cause you're so gorgeous /
She leans in, and I can feel her breath on my ear, and all of my senses are suddenly on fire.
\ 'Cause you make me feel gorgeous /
I can hear her lick her lips for a second, and then she whispers, quietly, in our moment of embrace...
\ Oh, so gorgeous /
"You've always been there for me..."
I find myself nodding - I would do anything for her. Has it been out of kindness as friends, or has there always been this quiet unspoken feeling between us that only now either of us are willing to admit?
She pulls back a fraction and looks up at me, tears in her eyes. I just want to tell her that everything will be okay, that the rough time she's had will get better, that I will always be around for her...
"Never stop being my friend, okay Dean? Promise me?"
We have just lost cabin pressure.
The song comes to an end, and I try to stand tall. This kind of story always ends the same way for me. Always the loyal friend, there to dry those tears until somebody else breaks her heart.
But that's what friends are for, right?
"I promise."
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