
Showing posts from 2014

First Impressions | Playstation 4, EA Sports UFC & The Evil Within

I’ve finally done it – I’ve made the leap to the next generation of video-games! This past Friday, my Playstation 4 arrived and… it’s different. In both good ways and bad if I’m being totally honest, but we’ll come to that. It’s taken some time to adjust from the layout of the Playstation 3 (I still own mine and it sits on the other side of the television, connected and everything), but all in all, I reckon I’ve made a wise investment. I managed to snag The Evil Within and EA Sports UFC games too, so I’ll be going into some detail on my impressions of these games, and future titles I’m looking forward to. Let’s do this! The Console Right off the bat, I have to mention that there is far more integration with social media with the PS4, which is a pretty cool aspect for yours truly. Being so active on Facebook and Twitter, being able to share gameplay videos is awesome - the PS4 records the last 15 minutes of your playthroughs automatically and stores them on the hard driv...

Equivalent Exchange | A Look Back At Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

I hate the internet. Well no, not all of the internet… actually no, I hate myself. Whenever I watch WWE or a TV show these days, I inevitably spoil it for myself by looking up spoilers online. I don’t know why, I guess it’s impatience on my part, and also my personality trait of wanting to know everything. When it came to Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, I promised myself I wouldn’t fall into the same pitfall. It was my first real foray into anime since I watched XIN back in secondary school , and I wanted to get caught up into the story. I imposed a ban on looking up spoilers, and reserved myself to not look up anything . Even if something in the series confused me or there was something I didn’t understand, well tough – I would have to bare with the series and hope all would be revealed. I didn’t want to run the risk of looking up one thing about the series, and then opening the floodgates. I guess you could say that I wanted to feel that shock value and uplifting feeling y...

Enjoy The Silence | Understanding Myself

Hey there. I’m writing all of this on spur of the moment, so bare with me – this is likely going to be appear really disjointed, a tad all over the place, and likely full of grammatical errors. This blog, as I’ve said a couple of times in the past, is to be used however I see fit – it started off purely for my own story writing purposes, but then developed into including reviews/retrospectives on forms of media I’ve enjoyed. Every once in a while however, I’ve used it to just speak my mind and vent. I’ve noticed recently that I’m repeating and saying the same things over and over to friends and family alike about certain situations I find myself in, yet they seem to either go unheard, unnoticed, or maybe worst of all, taken onboard, only to be forgotten. Hence, this blog – I feel the need to write about some serious home truths, some ideals I believe in, and hopefully, some people may begin to understand me better. Me, Myself and I I like my own company. Period. Th...

Wrestling Wednesday #2 - WCW Starrcade 1997

The show begins with the awesome, now classic Starrcade 1997 promo showing Sting in an abandoned building. Very haunting, very well edited, just an excellent start. I love it. We’re greeted by Tony Schiavone, Dusty Rhodes and Mike Tenay on commentary. Solid line-up. Tad disappointed there’s no Bobby Heenan, but it’s okay. Schiavone tells us it’s going to be the greatest night in the history of the sport. Like I couldn’t have called that one. Pretty much events WCW superstar not competing on the show are in the audience to watch the event. Unique, different, but I like it. Gives the show a big-fight feel, like seeing celebrities or other fighters attending UFC events as fans. Dusty cuts a typically excellent promo/hype-job for Hogan-Sting later in the evening. I love me some “American Dream”, babeh! Dean Malenko is out for the first match in the evening, and gets a great response from the audience. I think people genuinely forget how over Malenko was in WCW. F...

Movie Monday #2 - SAW

“Hello William. I want to play a game.” – Jigsaw, SAW VI Sorry, I know I’m getting way ahead of myself, but that quote from the sixth movie is just too good to not use! Now, onto business… It’s hard to believe it’s been ten years since the first SAW movie hit cinemas in October 2004, but time sure does fly I suppose. I actually didn’t hear much about the original movie, despite it grossing $100 million on a shoe-string budget. My first introduction to the series was a pirated copy of the second movie, SAW 2, from my Dad. The rubbish quality of the video meant I didn’t make it past the first ten minutes or so, but researching about the original movie had me hunting it down shortly thereafter. The movie was to me how a lot of people must have felt after watching Se7en or Usual Suspects for the first time – an entertaining and dark movie with a shocking twist that comes out of left field and changes how you view the rest of the movie entirely on re-watches. Even to this day, ...

Fun Friday #1 – Metal Gear Solid: Series Retrospective

Hey guys and girls, and welcome to Fun Friday, the part of the week where I explore something that interests me greatly that doesn't fall into the movie or wrestling category. Could be a video-game, could be a hot topic in the news, could be a YouTube video, it's anything I personally consider "fun" to talk about! Today's topic is a video-game series near and dear to my heart - Metal Gear Solid ! I have a YouTube playlist of the top 50 MGS songs ever playing in the background, gameplay footage of all 4 games ready to watch to bring back some amazing memories, and a glass of JD and Coke for good measure! Bring it on. Okay, so... Man, where do I even begin with this series? It's actually kinda' difficult to imagine a time where I wasn't enthralled by the Metal Gear Solid series. From age 9/10 onwards, I've been drawn into this incredible series of games, to the point where I would personally consider them probably the best video-ga...