Wrestling Wednesday #2 - WCW Starrcade 1997

The show begins with the awesome, now classic Starrcade 1997 promo showing Sting in an abandoned building. Very haunting, very well edited, just an excellent start. I love it. We’re greeted by Tony Schiavone, Dusty Rhodes and Mike Tenay on commentary. Solid line-up. Tad disappointed there’s no Bobby Heenan, but it’s okay. Schiavone tells us it’s going to be the greatest night in the history of the sport. Like I couldn’t have called that one. Pretty much events WCW superstar not competing on the show are in the audience to watch the event. Unique, different, but I like it. Gives the show a big-fight feel, like seeing celebrities or other fighters attending UFC events as fans. Dusty cuts a typically excellent promo/hype-job for Hogan-Sting later in the evening. I love me some “American Dream”, babeh! Dean Malenko is out for the first match in the evening, and gets a great response from the audience. I think people genuinely forget how over Malenko was in WCW. F...