New Story Announcement! | Potential Release Date, Story Details & Progress
As Obi-Wan Kenobi would say... “Hello there.”
The cat is out of the bag – I’ve been working on a new story for quite some time now, and I figured now would be a good a time as any to go into some detail about it. Not too much obviously, we don’t want to ruin some of the surprises in store now do we?
If you’ve been following this blog (and I imagine if you’re reading this, you do) then you know that since I started this back in June I’ve been working independently on three projects after the release of 45 Days and Descent Into Madness (in November 2013 and February 2014 respectively). The first was a full blown novella sequel When Justice Comes Calling which I hit a brick wall on (outlined in the very first blog entry on here). The second, a piece titled Unsettling Differences, is one I’m chipping away at slowly but surely, but one I don’t want to rush.
The third and final project, now named This Is Not An Exit after this very blog, is the one that I plan on releasing sooner rather than later. The first draft is all but finished, now comes the hard work of editing, changing and tweaking the narrative so that it flows as a story should. The project is a fun little side-story as it were, but something I’ve enjoyed writing immensely.
Front cover design of "This Is Not An Exit"
Front cover design of "This Is Not An Exit"
In short, the story is an introspective look at myself as a writer. Whilst discussing my previous two stories with different people, I found a lot of similar opinions cropping up that, deep down, weren’t all that dissimilar to mine in hindsight. What started as a 4th wall breaking spectacle soon took shape as something far more personal and meaningful, which has aided the story ten-fold. It’s pushed me as a writer in ways I hadn’t expected, and I’ve drawn on a lot of inspiration from this very blog to reach a conclusion that satisfied me, but also had me chomping at the bit for future works.
I’m excited, plain and simple. It won’t be everybody’s cup of tea which I’m fully prepared for, but I feel like it’s been slightly therapeutic. It’s allowed me to use techniques from textbooks I’ve read in recent months, and apply them to my writing, adapting my style and how I approach projects. This one is the launching pad in some regards, an attempt at something old yet new – a blend of what I feel were my strengths in the past combined with new techniques and outlooks that will aid me in the future. The story is humorous in places, whilst desperately dark and grim in others. It’s brutal, honest, and truthful – I think I owed it to myself to write in such a way, but more so, to the reader. Any other way wouldn’t have cut the mustard.
I don’t want to ruin a few of the big reveals and in what direction the story takes me (or should that be where the story takes you?) but needless to say, it was a blast to write. In my usual manner, a lot of it was late at night, in a frantic fury, but that is just how I work. I can now take the delicate time to look back on what I’ve created, and go over it with a fine comb, spotting errors, room for improvement etc. The editing process is usually one I don’t enjoy, but it’s an integral part of the “writing package”, and a necessary one at that. How else will I learn or improve otherwise? I won’t, and I so desperately want to. With head held high and open to criticism, the next stage is arguably the most important.
I will however make no bones about the fact that I’m hoping to have this project signed, sealed and delivered by November. It would make a year since I first published 45 Days, and would be a nice way to cap off my years journey of writing. Also, as you might have been able to gather by the front cover, This Is Not An Exit is going to tie in quite nicely with 45 Days and Descent Into Madness – would be a great feather in the cap and a nice crescendo should When Justice Comes Calling never come to fruition.
Hard works pays off, and in the coming couple of months, hard work will be what it takes to make This Is Not An Exit a reality. I’m amped, I’m ready, and I’m happy. In the grand scheme of things, I can’t really ask for much more. Keep your fingers crossed, and keep your eyes peeled.
For updates, feel free to follow me on Twitter @ThisIsWP and Instagram @WILLJPOWELL. I’ll be posting snippets, thoughts and more along the way. I have some really talented guys helping me out with artwork and character design, and there are some more surprises in store.
Alas, for now, I can say no more! Thank you for reading, and I’ll be back soon. Until next time,
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