Wrestling Wednesday #1 Review – WrestleMania X-Seven
Hey guys, and welcome
to Wrestling Wednesday, the first of many reviews looking at modern, classic,
and in some cases, classically bad wrestling shows! Whether it be WWE, WCW,
ECW, TNA, ROH etc. I’ll be giving the lowdown on my thoughts as the show is in
progress, and following up with further notes afterwards. It’s a new format
that I’ve decided to use, as it allows me to get engaged and involved, and show
off some creativity and comedic chomps, so hopefully it catches on! Without further
ado, let’s get this show on the road with a review of arguably the greatest
WrestleMania of all time, WrestleMania X-Seven!
Pizza & Jack Daniels at
the ready. Pizza because I love Dominoes. Jack Daniels to help me through the
Ivory vs Chyna match.
Little did
I know that amazingly this would not be the worst match on the card. God help
The opening promo package
to this show is truly amazing. Narrated by Classy Freddie Blassie, it makes
WrestleMania feel truly special.
Was a real
nice thing to see Blassie in this promo package, as I had genuinely
forgotten all about him narrating this one. I know he narrated a few
other promo packages in 2001 (Survivor Series 2001 springs to mind, but I could
be wrong), but this is the one that I remember the most.
Plus being a huge fan of
promos and production music in general, the music used is perfect. Feels like a
celebration as well as a PPV.
This goes
without saying. A week earlier, Vince McMahon had won the Monday Night Wars and
vanquished WCW. Not to mention ECW had all but closed down at this point also.
McMahon was the "sports-entertainment" kingpin. Must have been a
pretty awesome feeling for Vinny Mac and co.
Jim Ross and Paul Heyman
welcome us to the broadcast. These guys for me, were #2 commentary team ever.
Great chemistry.
Except for
the efforts of Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby "The Brain" Heenan, there is
no other commentary team that I have enjoyed more throughout the years than
Paul Heyman and JR. Their dynamic style is really awesome to hear. Reminds me a
lot of the Don Callis/Cyrus and Joey Styles commentary team in the dying days
of ECW.
Chris Jericho vs William
Regal is up first. JR lets us know 11 matches are booked for the card. A tad
over-stacked perhaps, we'll see.
I started
having horrible flashbacks to those early 'Mania's with about sixty
matches per card that were just brutal at times to sit through.
Jericho takes a piss in
Regal's tea. That's the only thing I took away from that promo package. That,
and RTC absolutely sucked.
As far as
reasons to feud, this one was pretty weak. That being said, Regal was such a
great heel, and Jericho such a huge fan favourite, that fans were going to be
into this one regardless. And yes, Right To Censor was a really crap stable.
There, I said it.
Solid back & forth so
far. Regal hits a tremendous double underhook suplex from the
top rope. How has Regal never won the WorldTitle?
Regal's body of work often gets overlooked, I think simply because he spent
long portions of his career as General Manager/Commissioner. He's not, in my
mind, had that one five star classic in WWE, but he's come close
a number of times (his work with Chris Benoit, Finlay, CM Punk and
Dean Ambrose is all tremendous). It's just a shame he never had that main event
opportunity after his whole King of the Ring/RAW General Manager run in 2008.
Lionsault (FROM OUT OF
NOWHERE!!!) and Jericho picks up the win. Good match, really flat finish.
almost as if the referee told them to go home, and they just improvised on the
spot. The match was good, nothing spectacular but a decent enough opener. The
ending came so out of the blue, that it deflated me a tad.
Shane McMahon arrives with
a tacky "WCW 1" license plate. Fans dunno whether to cheer or boo.
Backwards Russo-esque booking there.
WWF fans
had been trained to hate WCW. So, when you're trying to build Shane as this
babyface going against Vince, why the hell would you put him in charge
(kayfabe) of WCW? Baffling. Plus, I hate this because I've always said Bischoff
should have been the on-air owner of WCW in this angle, but I digress.
Bradshaw cuts a promo that
has me struggling to envision him as JBL 3 years later. Was it passionate? Yes.
Was it good? Fuck no.
sucky promo here. Bradshaw was fired up, and he spoke from the heart, but it
was just a disjointed mess. Surprising considering his promo work as JBL is
fantastic IMO.
Jesus Christ, it's Right To
Censor with the absolute worst wrestling theme in history. This makes Jillian
Hall's singing seem awesome.
this song makes me ears bleed.
Bull Buchanan's push always
puzzled me. He went from being Big Bossman's bitch, to Steven Richard's bitch,
to John Cena's bitch.
He was
doomed after being renamed B2 (B-Squared). No way he was living that one down.
Next is APA/Taz vs Right To
Censor aka the first piss break of the night. I'm going to finish my
firstglass of Jack Daniels instead.
Any excuse
for a Jack Daniels is a good one.
Forget Sonjay Dutt
@Maffewgregg, Val Venis deserves better. Why the hell was he put in the
career-killing RTC?!
Not going
to lie, I really dug Val Venis. I'm glad he sprung back from this down the line
with the awesome Chief Morley gimmick. Here, he was just Val Venis with the
handcuffs on, and goofy looking shirt-tie combo to boot. Val should have been
pushed as a guy who opposed RTC. Why he was eventually booked to join them, I
have no clue. Did nothing for his career.
Bradshaw hits a fucking
brutal Clothesline From Hell on the man-bitch Bull Buchanan for the win. Run of
the mill six-man-tag.
I've seen
stiffer clotheslines, but this one ranks up there. Painfully average match.
segment. Trish is Steph's bitch, while Linda does nothing. Seriously, she just
sits in a wheelchair. That's it.
expression here is priceless. She looks so damn depressed.
Honestly, she looks like
she's just had to sit through ten David Otunga matches. Or one Great Khali
promo. Take your pick.
And now
you know why.
Raven vs Kane vs Big Show
for the Hardcore Title. Honestly, I would've rathered just Raven/Kane.
against Big Show today, but back then, he was just so damn unmotivated. Being
sent to OVW to lose weight can do that to a man.
"This one may be over
before Big Show ever gets to the ring!" - JR on commentary. In summary,
Big Show has gotten fat and lazy.
Obviously his
time down in OVW didn't help much. May I suggest the Simon System?
This match so far has
consisted of walking, and punching. Sloppy as fuck. Raven deserves better. So
does Kane in fact. Fuck Big Show.
at least Kane and Raven are mobile. Big Show is blown up FUCKING WALKING. To
quote Jim Cornette, he's sucking wind so bad, the first three rows passed out
of oxygen deprivation.
Kane hurls Raven through a
window, which looks awesome. Willing to bet Raven wishes he was back to 1994 as
Johnny Polo at this point.
Polo was an awesome gimmick. Plus, Scott Levy back in 1994 legit took Shane
McMahon out to get hammered on booze and drugs. I'm sure Vince absolutely loved
that. And people wonder why Raven was never pushed upon returning to the WWF in
The infamous go-kart moment
where Raven almost killed WrestleMania. Jesus, can you imagine if THAT had
Raven almost blew out a power generator when he lost control of his go-kart. If
that had happened, the PPV stream and power to the building would have cut out.
He would've been blacklisted by the McMahon's, and likely become a hero to any
WCW fans (that's if they had any left at this point).
I remember loving this
match back in the day. But holy cow, it has not aged well. Not good at all.
Walk-Punch-Spot. Rinse, repeat.
painful to watch. By this point, I'd nearly finished half a bottle of JD to
pass the time.
Kane hits The Legdrop Of
Doom off the stage (Hogan ain't got nuthin' on Kane, BROTHER!) for the win.
Fans give a lukewarm cheer.
cheer is probably me being generous, simply because the Legdrop Of Doom wasn't
half bad. And I like Kane. Sue me.
Kurt Angle wears out the
word "Officially" in the space of thirty seconds, while Edge and
Christian look scared shitless.
Please, if
you have a minute of your life to waste, track this segment down. Angle says
"Officially" at least ninety times. It's terrible.
Can't blame them. They
probably think he's drunk. And we all know Drunk Kurt is no fun unless he's on
his Twitter account.
I'd make a
joke about how Angle claims to have been hacked each time he's shitfaced and
posting on Twitter, but I think that speaks for itself, don't you?
Jimmy Snuka is shown in WWF
New York, looking royally fucked off his face. Hide your girlfriends & wives,
Eddie Guerrero vs Test
next. Eddie rocking his mullet, while Test is rocking nothing. The best thing
going for him is his theme music.
Test was
so lousy at this point. He'd been jilted by Stephanie McMahon, squashed by
Triple H, and stuck with Albert for pretty much an entire year as T&A.
Doesn't get much worse than that.
And trust me, that is no
compliment. Any entrance music that just repeats your name over and over,
sucks. See: Heidenreich.
I take
that last comment back, it could have been worse - Test could have been
JR says Perry Saturn's hat
looks ridiculous. Considering Ross never wanted to don his black cowboy hat,
he's in no position to talk.
thy name is JR.
Test gets his foot trapped
in the ropes. The referee tries to free him from the botch, while Eddie just
kicks away at him like a boss.
could have broken kayfabe and helped Test loose, but he just kicks away at him
instead, letting the referee do all the hard work. That's just another reason,
if not THE reason, why Eddie is in the Hall of Fame. Not to mention the
outstanding wrestler than he was, and fantastic promo man.
Dunno whether the crowd
just doesn't care about these two or if they're still stunned by the Hardcore
Title match, but they are silent.
As soon as
I typed this, there was a Dean Malenko run-in to yet more silence. Says it all
Screwy finish & Eddie
Guerrero wins the worthless European Championship. Much like the IC and US
Titles today, it means nothing.
I know the
roster was stacked at this point, but I'm honestly surprised the European
Championship lasted for as long as it did. After Shane McMahon won it, and it
was then given to Mideon, that title was dead in the water.
Hell yeah, Kurt Angle vs
Chris Benoit time! Considering the classics they'd have down the line, I wonder
if this match will hold up.
as you may have gathered, were high.
Angle cuts a pretty good
promo to get some heel heat heading into the match. Benoit recently turned
face, so gets a tepid reaction.
It's far
from Angle's best mic work, but it's good enough. He's trying to tow the line
between serious badass and goofy heel, and it's obviously hard to pull off
both. Benoit thankfully, doesn't cut a promo on his way to the ring.
Some really great
catch/chain wrestling to start off. Fans give a decent reaction first time
round, much louder the second time.
The crowd
were slow to get into this one, because this is pretty much unlike anything
they'd seen in a really long time, probably since the days of Bret vs Owen. It
reminds me a lot of some ECW matches between Guerrero and Malenko, and has a
big fight feel to it, not unlike a UFC fight today.
Kudos to both Heyman and JR
putting this style of wrestling over on commentary. Making this feel big time.
another reason why these two were a almost flawless pairing on commentary.
"Angle just decked
him! Kurt Angle just made this a brawl! He was getting out-wrestled by Benoit
and now he's turned it into a fight!"
Such a
fantastic call. Simple, yet brilliant storytelling for Heyman.
That previous tweet? That's
storytelling via commentary thanks to Paul Heyman. The commentators today
should take notes.
If only
Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler could master this art of storytelling on
commentary instead of plugging the WWE App, people may actually watch RAW with
the volume turned up. Just saying.
This is just great stuff.
Not as explosive as their later matches, but it's just really psychologically
solid. Can't fault it so far.
It may not
be as good as their later matches, Royal Rumble 2003 springs to mind, but it's
damn good. Not much of a surprise considering who's wrestling.
That's the second reference
to The Dynamite Kid made by Heyman when talking about Benoit. The comparison is
makes it all the more sadder once you know what eventually became of Benoit
(and Dynamite for that matter - though some may argue, karma came calling in
Dynamite's case).
Benoit with an Ankle Lock,
Angle returns the favour with a Crossface. We get a ref bump which sucks
because I don't think it's needed.
ref bump. Didn't need it whatsoever. Oh well.
Does Kurt Angle ever
actually hit his Moonsault?! ... *remembers Bob Holly getting his arm broken*
Never mind.
would likely threaten to break my ass in half and call me a shithead if he ever
reads that tweet.
Bullshit finish to the
match which sucks, but it doesn't take away from the awesomeness of it.
Fantastic stuff.
underrated match that I feel doesn't get the praise it deserves. Not a classic,
but it's as solid as a match you will ever see.
William Regal finds Kamala
in his office which is actually a lot funnier than it had right to be. Raised a
smile, simply cos of Regal.
This was
actually quite funny, probably because of the sheer randomness of it. Regal's
face is absolutely priceless. "Bugger off!"
We get a slice of
Americana, where Olympic Gold Medalist Kurt Angle gets booed mercilessly at an
Army Base. Kayfabe lives!
tries to not stay in character, but gives up fairly quickly. Can't say I blame
Kevin Kelly doesn't stop
talking when asking Angle a question backstage. Get over on your own time,
poser. #StickItUpThereHermy
liked Kevin Kelly. He shoved his finger up his nose. That's just dumb. At least
Coach was entertaining when Rock ripped the piss out of him.
Oh Jesus... Ivory vs Chyna
is next. Double dose of Jack Daniels on the rocks coming up.
Even that
couldn't numb the pain of this match.
Ivory gets the biggest heel
heat of the night so far. It's gotta' be that fucking RTC music. Nobody cares
about the Divas division.
I thought that Steven Richards had come out in a thong or some bullshit. The
heel heat was insane for Ivory. Hard to tell if it was because she was such an
effective heel, or people just genuinely didn't care for her.
Chyna jogs to the ring,
presumably cos they have two minutes for the match. Y'know, cos not even Vince
cares about the Divas division.
if you're putting Chyna in the Women's division, you clearly have nothing planned
for it.
Ivory drills Chyna with the
belt, then kicks her for about a minute, to which Chyna no-sells to the best of
her "ability".
I don't think Chyna was THAT bad of a worker. She was decent, but she's clearly
phoning it in here.
Chyna makes a comeback that
would make John Cena feel somewhat embarrassed. Forget Cena, Chyna is the true
She just
no sells everything. Somewhere, Road Warrior Hawk was grinning.
Chyna buries Ivory in a
homage to the Ultimate Warrior fucking over Triple H at WrestleMania 12. Take
that, Hunter.
She even
copies the finish with the overhead slam. Chyna looks totally bored, which is
funny, considering I am too. Get off my TV.
Michael Cole shows he has
BALLS THE SIZE OF GRAPEFRUITS, interrupting Vince mid-sentence backstage. Vince
appropriately jobs him out.
Cole looks
timid as hell, while Vince just gets all up in his face. I imagine this is how
things go whenever Cole screws up on commentary these days.
"I have acquired
W...C...W!" Vince is fucking beaming in this promo package. Can't say I
blame him. Somewhere, Bischoff was weeping.
Half of
this promo for Vince vs Shane is just Vince gloating over buying WCW. Great way
to rub it in Bischoff's face.
"I now own WCW!" The
interest for a potential Invasion angle lasts all of two minutes. Nice going.
Don't get
me started, seriously. I could be here for fucking hours otherwise.
Shane McMahon points out
his WCW stars in the audience. I see Lance Storm, Bill DeMott and... Johnny
Ace. With a huge blonde mullet.
nothing screams "money" more than Johnny Ace, am I right?!
You can see why people
started to worry at this point about the purchase of WCW. Not one marquee name
there. Shawn Stasiak? Fuck off.
I also
spotted Mike Sanders, and quickly became pissed off that Sanders was never
called up for the Invasion angle. Not a brilliant worker, but Sanders could cut
a sweet promo when the time came.
Both Vince & Shane
still have the same "No Chance In Hell" theme song. Shane should have
come out to the American Males theme song.
2 minutes in & Steph
interferes, slapping the piss out of Shane, who no-sells & continues
beating on Vince. McMahon's are invincible!
I say that
the McMahon's are invincible, because between Shane's no-selling and Vince's
horrendous selling in general, I'm not sure if the two know how to conduct a
wrestling match.
Shane-O-Mac has got guts,
man. He jumps off the top rope, with Vince moving off the announcers table, and
Shane splats onto concrete.
no-selling that one, buddy.
Trish brings Linda down to
ringside, and has apparently "upped the dosage" of her medication...
This is
JR's words, not mine. Fans openly laugh at Linda as she's wheeled down the
ramp. Man, what a sympathetic babyface huh?
I take that as she has
looked into her future running for Senate, and seen what a dismal job she does.
that, or she's seen that in the future, Triple H would become her son-in-law.
That would depress the shit out of me too.
Trish turns on Vince, and
beats the crap out of Stephanie. Mrs. Foley's Baby Boy/Pervert stands by and
watches the cat fight ensue.
It was a
predictable swerve, but the fans pop for it anyway. Foley honestly looks like
he's suppressing a huge chubby whilst watching the catfight ensue.
Vince calls Linda a bitch.
Tough love - the man puts her in a mental institution, has her sedated &
shags Trish Stratus. What a prick.
This was 9
year old William talking, here. I loathed Vince with a passion. Sometimes, that
anger is hard to let go.
Or you may think he's the
biggest (Primetime) Player in existence. To each their own. Kayfabe lives!
And then 23
year old William had a change of heart.
Linda kicks Vince straight
in the grapefruits to an absolutely monster pop! Foley beats the crap out of
Vince for the hell of it.
Hey, Mick
had to earn that payday of his somehow, right? May as well smash Vince's face
Shane McMahon steals one
from the RVD handbook with the Van-Terminator. Vince eats the trash can, and
Shane picks up the popular win.
I remember
reading around this time that RVD was negotiating with WWF around the time of
this event, and was legitimately miffed that Shane stole his move.
TLC II time. The pinnacle
of tag team wrestling in the WWF.
I think
I'm justified in that statement. As 2001 would continue, the tag division got
more and more over-saturated, with the inclusion of the WCW Tag Team
Slow burn match so far...
as then the Hardy's hit a legdrop/splash combo from opposite ladders. Remind me
of The Rockers.
At this
point in their careers, they really reminded me of The Rockers circa. 1991. You
liked both men, but you always knew was destined for stardom above and beyond
the tag team division. And mark my words, it wasn't Matt Freakin' Hardy.
Diving Headbutt from the Dudley Boys, and then Bubba screams for the tables.
D-Von knows what to do.
suddenly reminds me of the storyline where Teddy Long and Rodney Mack were
trying to call Bubba a racist for always asking D-Von to get the tables. Yes,
it is as bad as it sounds. It was the shits.
Bubba powerbombs Jeff Hardy
ontop of Edge & they crash through a table. He freakin' plants Jeff with as
much care as Psycho Sid would.
probably a tad harsh on Bubba, considering Sid nearly damn near crippled Brian
Pillman once.
We get the Wile E. Coyote
Cam as all six takes insane bumps off the ladders. And... FUCK YES, SPIKE DUDLEY
As you may
have gathered, I totally forgot Spike Dudley was involved in this.
Spike nails Christian with
the Acid Drop through a table and... RHYNO!! GORE!! GORE!! GORE!! Matt Hardy
gets broken in half.
I totally forgot about Rhyno being in this also.
True story - Vince
originally wanted Rhyno to dye his hair blonde and be introduced as Edge and
Christian's other brother. Suck-Ass.
If Vince
had wanted to kill Rhyno's WWF career before it even had a chance to start,
that would've been the way to do it. Luckily, E&C talked him out of it.
"Lita jerking Edge
of!" Fantastic foreshadowing by JR. It was all a work, damn it!
fails to raise a smile.
Jeff Hardy hits an
absolutely insane Swanton Bomb off a crazy ladder onto Rhyno and Spike. Crowd
react as you'd expect: "Holy shit!"
I swear,
every single PPV there was a holy shit chant for one reason or another.
Move of the match - Edge
hits an incredible spear from the crazy ladder to Jeff Hardy dangling over the
moves like this, it's no wonder Edge retired due to neck problems.
Edge and Christian win with
assistance from Rhyno. Fantastic match with plenty of high spots, and everybody
got their chance to shine.
For my
money, the best TLC in history. If you haven't seen it, do so.
We get a highlight package
of WWF Axxess. Best part is Tazz looking thoroughly miserable having to be
honestly looks like he's gonna' cuss out this little kid asking for an
autograph and choke out his Dad. That would've rocked, to be fair.
I spoke to soon. Al Snow
promising to personally hug everyone who visits his booth was the best part of
that highlight package.
would've been even better is a shot afterwards of a dejected Al Snow sitting
alone at the booth, ala Virgil. 

Gimmick Battle Royal time!
"Mean Gene" Okerlund and Bobby "The Brain" Heenan on
commentary, which should be brilliant. Love Heenan.
manager of all time, and best colour commentator of all time, Bobby Heenan.
Mean Gene Okerlund is passable.
True story - The final two
men recognised by wrestling fans as members of the infamous Heenan Family
stable are @ColtCabana & @CMPunk.
It's true
- it says so on Wikipedia, the fountain of truth.
Bushwhackers lick Okerlund.
Duke "The Dumpster" Drose comes out to virtually no reaction. Iron
Sheik however gets a big pop. Legend.
Duke The
Dumpster Drose was the absolute pits man. Apparently he slipped date rape drugs
in girls drinks when the wrestlers used to party too, so he sounds like a real
piece of trash, no pun intended... ah fuck it, pun intended.
Earthquake gets a positive reaction,
always thought he was an underrated worker. The Goon comes out to silence. And
then we get Doink.
would you feel if your parents named you The Goon?" asks Bobby Heenan.
Pretty fucking mad at life is what I say.
No idea who's playing the
role of Doink here, but I know damn well it isn't the original and best, Matt
Borne. #RIPDoink
sucks Borne passed away last year. Such a great talent IMO.
Fresh from tearing up
Regal's office, we get Kamala. And then possibly my favourite gimmick ever,
REPO MAN! Love it.
Repo Man
was awesome. His theme music, his attire, his gimmick, you name it.
Jim Cornette is next, who
isn't really a gimmick but who cares. Corny rules. Nikolia Volkoff is next, and
people don't care. Shame.
Cornette's shoots are legendary. Check them out. If you hate Russo, you'll love
Cornette. Trust me.
Michael P.S Hayes gets a
great reaction, as well he should. Terrific worker and promo man back in the
day. Badstreet USA baby!
This is
before Hayes lost most of his hair, and developed one hell of a Badstreet
Next up is One Man Gang,
who I have to say, I'm really disappointed in. Why the hell didn't he come as
Akeem, the African Dream?!
Gobbledy Gooker. Fuck off
Hector Guerrero. Then we get Tugboat. Fred Ottman should've come as Shockmaster
instead. What an entrance!
Shockmaster entrance would have been the greatest moment in WrestleMania
history, mark my words.
Hillbilly Jim gets the biggest
pop so far, fuck knows why. Meanwhile, Brother Love is met with indifference.
Silly Attitude Era crowd.
Jim looks absolutely ridiculous, and considering this is a gimmick battle
royal, that's saying something. Brother Love's seriously red face looks equally
dumb, but that's the point I guess.
Sgt. Slaughter is last who
gets cheered. Yep, we'll forget that whole Iraq deal, yes sir. Heenan states
that Slaughter "shoots blanks".
That last
line from Heenan gave me a good chuckle.
Repo Man is first out. Fuck
this company.
If you
hadn't of gathered, this pissed me off.
Non-wrestler Jim Cornette
outlasts Tugboat, Repo Man, Earthquake and Gobbledy Gooker. What the deuce?!
Russo-esque booking here, I must say.
Fans are pissed Doink is
eliminated. Now they know how I feel about Repo Man's elimination.
Still mad,
Final four and Brother Love
is still in. How?! Ah who cares, Iron Sheik wins, and Heenan pays tribute to
his Royal Rumble '92 call.
Next up is the match WWE
has tried to make people forget in the last couple of years - Undertaker vs
Triple H 1.
Hell, I
almost forgot about this match myself.
I'm pretty sure Vince
McMahon wishes he owned that "flashy thingy" from Men In Black. Heck,
sometimes I wish I owned it.
Seeing Mae
Young's tits is something that scarred me at age 8, and I've never truly
Haha, it's Motorhead's
fucking awful rendition of their very own song, "The Game". Lemmy
doesn't have a clue what the words are.
think the band would at least learn the lyrics before the show, eh?
Undertaker's entrance here
is, pardon the pun, badass. Zooming down that long entrance ramp on the
motorcycle is an awesome visual.
Nuff said.
Looks great.
JR mentions that The
Undertaker hasn't been defeated at WrestleMania and is 8-0. The Streak in its
early days, now it's 21-1. Damn Lesnar.
This was
back when matches involving Undertaker were more than just about The Streak.
The build for this match was actually pretty damn good.
Great brawl so far, which
is exactly what the fans wanted to see out of this match. They've spilled into
the crowd. Crowd love it.
Raven/Kane/Big Show - start taking notes guys.
Difference between this and
the Hardcore Match is that this may be a brawl, but it's not mindless weapon
shot one after the other.
My point
exactly. In fairness, at Backlash 2001, Rhyno and Raven had probably the best
match ever for the Hardcore Championship, so at least Raven learned something
from his crapfest of a match earlier.
'Taker chokeslams Triple H
off a scaffold. Hunter hits a crash mat, but no way you can tell me that didn't
hurt. Stiff bump.
though it's a crash mat, I doubt there was much give. Hunter is a good seller,
but he isn't THAT good.
This has been really,
really good. Not as good as their Hell in a Cell from WrestleMania 28, but a
real close second.
honestly forgotten how intense this match was.
Great back & forth
ending which concludes with The Last Ride for the win. That match was far better
than I remember it being. Awesome.
Crowd were
really into it, and I'm surprised they aren't burnt out yet. They've been
treated to one great match after another.
After an absolutely
fantastic promo, it's time for Stone Cold vs The Rock.
Hunt that
promo down. It's damn near perfect.
Stone Cold gets an
absolutely spine-chilling reception, crowd are so pro-Austin. With the show
being in Texas, it's no surprise.
The Rock
meanwhile, gets booed by the majority. Considering this reaction, I'm surprised
he was so butt-hurt by the fans turning on him the following year against
Hollywood Hogan... brother.
They start the match with a
fist fight & holy cow man, the crowd are just eating it up. The pinnacle of
the Attitude Era right here.
Please, if
you haven't seen this match, search for it, you can find the full thing on
YouTube. The atmosphere is off the charts.
The No DQ stip is
definitely adding to this match so far. Fast paced, violent, and "smash
mouth" as JR would say.
decided ahead of time to add the stip deserves a Steveweiser.
Twice Heyman has questioned
why the match has been changed to No DQ and who made that ruling. Nice
Have I
mentioned how much I rate Heyman as a commentator? Oh, I have? Okay.
This match is reminding me
a lot of Hulk Hogan vs Randy Savage. Arguably the two best of their generation
facing off at WrestleMania.
comparison can certainly be made. I'd say the equivalent today would be John
Cena vs CM Punk.
15 minutes in, and I can
totally see why people rank this the best of their 3 WrestleMania matches.
inclined to agree, though their Mania 19 match holds a special place in my
heart, purely cos I think The Rock's Hollywood gimmick is one of the best ever.
Austin busting out the
Million Dollar Dream. JR puts over Austin's desperation to win. More great
Jim Ross
is awesome. But you already knew that.
Here we go... Vince McMahon
is coming down the ramp. I remember as a kid, this confused the holy fuck out
of me.
A ref bump in a No DQ
Match... Why?!
Shit like
this infuriates me to no end. Serves no purpose whatsoever. DUMB.
Austin calls for the steel
chair, and Vince does as he's asked. Say what? My ten year old self was having
a bitch fit at this moment.
WHY?! WHO?! HOW?!"
Austin has gone from
beloved babyface during the match, to desperate heel. Looking back, his heel
turn was foreshadowed pretty well.
I will
always, kayfabe wise, defend the decision to turn Austin heel. To me, it made
"Stone Cold Steve
Austin will do ANYTHING to become the WWF Champion!" - Paul Heyman
"What the hell is
this?!" - Jim Ross
Stone Cold Steve Austin
beats the crap out of The Rock with the McMahon-endorsed steel chair, turns
heel and wins the WWF Title.
I remember
being stunned as a kid seeing this. Crowd didn't give a crap though, they
cheered anyway.
The crowd very nearly
turned Vince McMahon babyface with their response here, which looking back on
it, is pretty hilarious.
had that occurred, Vince would have blamed Austin purely for being Texan. God
knows it's never Vince's fault, oh no.
And thus, The Attitude Era
came to an end. Stone Cold turns heel and aligns with his greatest foe, Mr
The show closes with Stone
Cold and Vince McMahon shaking hands. Surreal.
watching it back now some 12 years later, that lasting image of Austin and
Vince sharing a beer and heading up the entrance ramp together, is hard for me
to get my head around.
This totally deserves the title of greatest WrestleMania ever. Sure, the Hardcore Title Match sucked, the six-man tag was flat and Ivory vs Chyna was a mere squash match, but everything else ranged from decent to phenomenal. Test/Guerrero. Jericho/Regal and the Gimmick Battle Royal were all fun. Vince vs Shane, whilst not technically sound by any means, was enjoyable for the McMahon family drama. Benoit vs Angle was brilliant, and I urge people to track it down. Triple H vs Undertaker was extremely solid, a hell of a lot better than I remember it being. TLC II is the best TLC in history, and makes me sad thinking about the state of the tag division today. As for the main event? While the heel turn of Austin isn't looked back with much fondness by many, it doesn't take away from the fact that it was an absolutely awesome half-hour match that never relented and had the crowd into it every step of the way.
However you can, track down
this PPV.
Until then, take it
easy and as always, thanks for reading!
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